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ISSN. 2278-8670


Preparation of manuscript for submission

Authors are requested to write in correct language with proper spelling and grammar and to frame their manuscripts in the following format before submission so that the reviewing becomes easy. It will save publication time.

The manuscript of a Regular Paper should be typed clearly in a page with wide margin (page size 21cmx14cm) in double spacing. Type in any of the common file formats such as MSWord, LaTeX2E and the pictures or graphs in JPEG or TIFF. For articles in other languages use the most common file format. For example MSWord use Times New Roman with font size 12. It should not exceed 14 typed pages.

The title page should contain Title of the article, Name of Authors, their affiliation and email just below the name of each author, abstracts, PACS Nos., Key words. All pages should be numbered. Body of the paper must be divided into sections starting with Introduction and ending with conclusion. Each section will be numbered as 1, 2, 3 and the subsections as 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 etc.

For Rapid Communication of important discoveries and Report, it should be written in same file format, but need not be divided into sections. It should not exceed 8 typed pages.

Review Article and Survey paper should comprise of authors interpretation after reviewing and analysing several research papers on the topic in frontier areas of research and it should be prepared in same file format as a regular paper. It has a page limit of 25-30 pages.

Case study is a descriptive and exploratory analysis of an event by an individual or a group. It should be within 14 typed pages.

Manuscripts of the Proceedings of conferences may be submitted (after being refereed and properly edited by the Convener/Guest Editor) in a Camera-ready format. A prior approval from the Board of Editors is, however, mandatory for its publication. Such articles may be reviewed again by the Editor-in-Chief.

Title: Title of the paper should within ten words and should convey the nature of the content of the paper.

Author and affiliation: It should contain name of a author followed by name of the institute, its address and country, email address of the author. Name of the corresponding author should be underlined.

Abstract: It must be within 200 words and should convey the essence of the article.

Body of the paper: Special attention should be paid to the language and grammar. Paper should be self contained and the presentation should be clear and concise with proper justification for every assumption taken.

Figures and Tables: Figures and Tables should be numbered and captioned properly and are given in separate pages after the main article, but they should be mentioned in the proper locations in the text of the paper. Axes of the graphs must be labelled properly. Column headings of the table should be brief.

Formulae: Formulas should be typed with acceptable scientific notations, symbols, vector symbols, subscripts and superscripts. International conventions in the choice of symbols, units and notations should be followed. They should be numbered serialy in the appropriate locations in the text.

References: All references should be referred to the text, tables and figures and are numbered consecutively in their order of appearance in the text. They should be sited by numerals in square bracket and bold, for example [1], [2-5] etc. References are to be given in a separate page as per the format given below. [1] C.H. Bennett and G. Bassard, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computers, Systems and Signal Processing, Bangalore, India (IEEE, New York, 1984), pp.175. [2] C.H. Bennett, Quantum cryptography using any two nonorthoganol states, Phys. Rev. Lett., 68, (1992), 3121-3124. [3] H. Luth, Surfaces and Interfaces of Solids, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, (1993), 2nd ed., ch.7, pp. 334.

Appendices: Appendices should be numbered properly and consecutively and are given in separate pages at the end of text. It should be typed in the same language format.